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In Person, Over the Phone, and Zoom Appointments
Estate Planning Consultation
Are you not sure if you need Estate Planning? Are you not sure if you need a Will or Trust or if you need any of the accompanying documents?
Estate Planning can be overwhelming and let's face it no one wants to think about what will happen at their death or if they become incapacitated.
We don’t know what the future holds for us but we can plan for the best scenario and the not so best scenario. Some of us may need a Will and some may need a Trust or multiple Trusts within a Trust while others may only need an Advanced Healthcare Directive and Power of Attorney.
Whatever you or your family may need I will help to guide you through the Estate Planning process. If you just have questions please come in for a visit. I offer a free 1-hour consultation. We can discuss your individual situation and decided what plan needs to be in place.

Call today for a free 1-hour consultation